Become a 2024 Sponsor of


The Two Rivers Dog Mushers Association (Federal Tax ID: 20-0661583), TRDMA, strives to provide fun and safe sled dog races in the Interior of Alaska. As our 36th racing year, we have some exciting events planned for this season! We are a volunteer run organization, and our success depends on your generous support so if you aren’t already, please consider becoming a TRDMA sponsor for the 2023-2024 race season. If you are already a sponsor, thank you thank you, you are the backbone of this association. Any size or form of donation is always greatly, appreciated.

Last year, TRDMA had our first successful season in two years since dormancy. We were able to host our semi-annual Fall Rabies Clinic, Mukluk Potluck Fundraiser, Solstice Invitational Races, and the community coveted Valley Fun-ale. We were able to put strong efforts into boosting community involvement, gain some needed resources, and utilize funds to build a strong base coming into this upcoming season.

In years past TRDMA has been known for our races such as the Funjor Dryland Races, Solstice 50/100, Two Rivers 200/100, and Valley Fun-ale. We are very proud and excited to be able to bring back most of these events this 2023-2024 race season! Two Rivers is known as “The Valley of Champions” and the “Mushing Capital of the World”, because of the many successful mushers who have lived and trained on the same trails we continue to use. We would absolutely love the chance to take back this title.

So far this year, we have been able to host one of our semi-annual Rabies Clinics in collaboration with Dr. Jeanne Olson, DMV in October, where we were able to vaccinate 290 animals. Going forward, we have the Solstice Invitational Races scheduled for December 16th, Two Rivers 200/100 scheduled February 16th-18th and the Valley Fun-ale scheduled for March 30th. In addition to these events, we intend on hosting our Mukluk Potluck Fundraiser on December 2nd at Musher’s Hall (925 Farmers Loop Rd) where we would love to have your attendance and support for this event. All of our sponsors will receive two complimentary tickets to show our appreciation for their donation.

Donations are imperative to our success as a club. In return we provide your business exposure to the mushing community through social media and in person recognition at the events we host. We have multiple levels of sponsorship, shown on the next page. If you would like to donate for the potluck, please return the following form by November 30th. Donations made after this date will go towards future races and events.


Lead Dog

A contribution of, or item valued at or over $1,000 to TRDMA’s general operational expenses. This is the highest level of donation so in return, benefactors will receive TRDMA merchandise and recognition as our lead sponsor on our
online platforms such as and social media.

Become a Lead dog sponsor

Swing dog

A contribution of, or item valued at or over $400 to TRDMA will be used for general operational expenses. With this level of sponsorship benefactors will receive TRDMA merchandise and recognition as our swing dog sponsor on our online
platforms such as and social media.

Become a swing dog sponsor

Team Dog

An item or monetary contribution of your choosing will be donated with no specific club event in mind, but could be for any of our competitive races, fun events or raffles. Benefactors will receive TRDMA recognition as our team dog
sponsor on our online platforms such as and social media.

Become a team dog sponsor

Wheel Dog

This donation is intended for the combination of sponsorships or individualized contribution as discussed with a TRDMA club member. Benefactors will receive TRDMA recognition as our team dog sponsor on our online platforms such as and social media.

Become a wheel dog sponsor

Letter to TRDMA Sponsors

Sponsor Letter
Sponsor Now!