TRDMA presents our
Annual Mukluk Potluck
December 2nd at 6pm
Join us for our annual Mukluk Potluck! This year we are doing something different. In order for more folks to be able to make it out to this event, our friends at ADMA (Alaska Dog Mushers Association) are letting us host the Potluck in town at Musher’s Hall. We would love to have your attendance and support for this event! All proceeds go to the club, there will be silent auctions, a raffle, music and of course food! Every attendee receives two raffle tickets with entry! $15 per person and $10 for children 10 and under. All of our sponsors receive two complimentary tickets to show our appreciation for their donation, check out our sponsorship page for all of our options.
TRDMA is currently seeking items for our Mukluk Potluck! Please contact us if you have items for donation.
925 Farmers Loop Rd, Fairbanks, AK 99712